As of May 2020, ALL Module content and skills checklists have been updated. The module time frame noted on each module is the minimum required number of hours for program completion.
Implementation of the revised modules is effective July 1, 2020.
Special Directions and Notations have been added to the beginning of each Module and Skills Checklist. Below is a brief list of substantive changes for your convenience. The substantive changes were made based on practice research and current evidence found in the literature.
- There was no evidence to substantiate a change in minimum time frames for Module content. Although not required, additional time may be added to each module as the program coordinator deems necessary.
- All Module skills checklists have been modified to include Special Directions and Notes.
- All Modules include the following Evaluation criteria: Competency validation should occur in the clinical area whenever possible; however, in those limited situations where this is not possible, laboratory simulation of the clinical setting is permissible.
- All Module skills checklists preceptor signature areas have been modified to include selection of clinical, lab or simulation.
- Ethics content and a skills checklist has been added to the Role of the Nurse Aide II Module.
- Clarification of the Nurse Aide II role with peripheral IV flow rates, specifically, the Nurse Aide may not initiate or change flow rates on clients. Module content and skills checklists have been updated.
- Corrective action for a broken sterile field has been added to the Sterile Technique Module.
- Clarification that wound care and irrigation is limited to wounds over 48 hours old.
- Clarification of delegation of the technical task of applying systemic topical medications for purposes of wound care if all elements of the specific facility policy and “Delegation of Medication Administration to a UAP” Position Statement are met.
- Suctioning time limit was revised based on clinical practice and research based evidence.
- Tracheostomy care skills checklist was updated for the disposable inner cannula.
- Detailed nutrition topics, definitions, food groups and eating disorders were deleted.
- Parenteral hyperalimentation was deleted.
- Clarification of the role of the Nurse Aide II in enteral feeding was clarified in the areas of residual and administration volume amounts.
- Clarification of the Nurse Aide II role in checking the nursing plan of care.
- Skills competency, “Break up and removal of fecal impaction” has been removed from NAII competency and task list.