Inclement Weather
Inclement Weather: the NCBON office building will be closed Thursday, February 20th and Friday, February 21st.
Staff will be available via phone or email. Contact us here:
The North Carolina Board of Nursing (NCBON) approves and regulates pre-licensure nursing education programs within the state of North Carolina. Nursing education programs outside of North Carolina may fall under the jurisdiction of that home state. Check with the governing state board of nursing to determine the approval status of online programs/correspondence courses located outside of North Carolina.
The NCBON recognizes graduates from pre-licensure nursing education programs approved by other state boards of nursing as eligible to apply for the NCLEX examination and licensure in North Carolina.
Out-of-state nursing education programs should be contacted directly for information and specific questions about the program including the approval/accreditation status for that state. It is recommended that individuals research the approval/accreditation status and credibility of any nursing education program before enrolling in individual courses or the entire program of study.
See the information included in our FAQ section.