Inclement Weather
Inclement Weather: the NCBON office building will be closed Friday, February 21st.
Staff will be available via phone or email. Contact us here:
The role of Nurse Aide I is an “unlicensed assistive personnel" position for which an individual has completed a program approved by the Division of Health Services Regulation (DHSR) and passed an examination to be listed on the Nurse Aide I registry.
The Division of Health Service Regulation (DHSR) approves the Educational Programs for the Nurse Aide I (NA I) and Medication Aide and develops the curriculum for the Nurse Aide I. The North Carolina Board of Nursing (NCBON) approves Nurse Aide II (NA II) Educational Programs and develops the curriculum for Nurse Aide II training. In addition, the North Carolina Board of Nursing approves the faculty for Medication Aide Programs.
Division of Health Service Regulation maintains the Nurse Aide I and the Medication Aides Registries. The North Carolina Board of Nursing maintains the Nurse Aide II Registry, however, all concerns/complaints regarding Nurse Aides (I or II) or Medication Aides are made to the Division of Health Service Regulation.
Refer to the following decision tree for more information on appropriate delegation to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP).